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RE: 4 years to forget

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Posted by: aspidites at Wed Aug 31 14:51:50 2011  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by aspidites ]  

"You forget, you came to my house many years ago with your father. I know there is a large enough age difference between you and me to know I was collecting in CA before you were even born. So once again, YOU do not know. "

I don't forget, you forgot that I was there and denied that you lived in the hill country. You DON'T know how old I am. Unless you were a carnie (possible I suppose) who guessed people's ages, you don't know my age. So you don't know unless you ask me when I was born how old I was or wasn't when you collected in my state, right?

"My personal problem with you is that you want to critisize something that is legal in Texas, be upset when you cannot come to Texas and collect because it is not legal, then jump on the bandwagon when it is legal and then want to come to Texas and collect. "

I criticize roundups because I think they are wrong - regardless of whether they are legal or not. Is it not my right to do so? Do I also not have the right to be upset (along with you) when the right to leisurely collect snakes in TX the way I would prefer to do is taken away? And don't I subsequently have the right to be happy when the right is returned?

"So, to me I wonder why you would even want to come to Texas unless it was to exploit our wildlife and go home and make a $$$$$$."

Call it bad business practices, but I don't make money on my snakes, so the point you continually try to make doesn't hold water.

"The glass house thing is an analogy- DUH."

Really? Huh, that's a new one.

"You continue to be evasive and want to only push your agenda and be unwilling to address the actual issue."

K. What am I evading? And what is my agenda? Didn't know that I put out an agenda (or a manifesto for that matter LOL).

"I feel the same way about others that act as you."

How is it that I act?

"Maybe you forget that you accused me of turning loose Blue Baja Lizards on my property and that they were not indiginous to Texas. That was a personal attack."

Yes, something which you have denied and I have accepted. Again, not how I remember it, nor do I remember them being in an enclosure, but it is hard for me to remember any of the things that happened to me before I was 5yrs old. LOL. Not an attack, just trying to point out something which I KNEW from experience. Anything you know about me from YOUR experience?


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<< Previous Message:  RE: 4 years to forget - ectimaeus, Wed Aug 31 14:34:38 2011