Posted by:
at Sat Sep 10 02:17:24 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Aaron ]
Here is a wc speckled male that Shannon Brown and I collected off the 118 Observatory long cut. We are sure he's a male because he has fathered 3 clutches. The first two clutches were all males, 3 each clutch, and all were highly speckled but the female used was a cb one. The first 2 clutches were produced by me and the 3rd clutch was produced by Shannon so I don't remember what was in it other than there was at least one speckled female that I got when we split the clutch.
I have only collected one other Davis alterna and it was another male from the same cut. He is not speckled but he does have some broken alternates in the nuchal region. I don't have a pic uploaded but I'll try to put one up tomorrow. The pic of the wc speckled male is in the link below. Speckled Davis Mtns. male.
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