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RE: Is it shell rot or something worse?

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Posted by: Linda G at Sun Sep 18 18:24:26 2011  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Linda G ]  

It is a bit overwelming to get set up completely but once it is done is it easier to maintain. When I share info with others about care for these guys I always tell them to think of how they would live in the wild. To avoid any long term health issues you need to set them up that way. RES bask alot and needs to be given this opportunity at all times. Mine basks most of the day. I would suggest you get online and read some care sheets. If you think about it, a person could live in a closet for their entire life. Sure they would survive but think of the ramifications of no sun light over a period of time.
Incorrect enclosures will more than likely manifest problems at some point. The details of my enclosure is as follows. I raised my RES from a hatchling the size of a quarter to about 12 inches and over 4 lbs. She is 12 years old now. I have never had a problem with her. She lays unfertile eggs 2X a year and thrives. I do not heat the water. You mentioned that your water was a constant 80 degrees. In my opinion this is too warm. If you think about it, no where in the wild is their water a constant 80 degrees. They move within their habitat to warmer and colder temps. Mine prefers about 74 degrees. If your house is cold add a ceramic heater or red bulb for heat at night instead of a water heater. You want to keep their water temp below the basking area of 85-90 degrees. They need to be able to choose their own temps. I also wanted to mention that you can use a huge rubbermaid container temporarily for her home while you search for another aquarium. They are cheap and can be purchased at any LOWES, Home Dept or Menards. As far as the heat bulb you can use a regular white household bulb for heat. I would start with a 100 watt and check the temp on the basking spot. You want it at 85-90 degrees. You can make changes necessary to get it to the desired temp. I would switch to a heavy duty screen on top to sit it on. Old oven grills also work well in a pinch.

Can you post a picture of her? and the injury?



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>> Next Message:  RE: Is it shell rot or something worse? - mperetz, Sun Sep 18 18:40:26 2011

<< Previous Message:  RE: Is it shell rot or something worse? - mperetz, Sat Sep 17 21:30:56 2011