Posted by:
at Sat Sep 24 19:37:30 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Lia ]
My best way is the two plastic bin system.
I placed a margarine plastic tub or any similiar size dish which contains damp soil (not to anal about it) in a smallish bin with about 20 crickets give or take roughly 2 yrs ago and now have zillion crickets.
Lean a few egg cartons, paper rolls,etc against it so crickets can climb in and out .
I live in Florida and the bins are in my garage with plastic covers but lots air holes. I do not use extra heat and worse case they do not breed a couple months a year such as Jan/Feb but I have so many extra crickets that I feed yard anoles,etc..
5 days later I remove the cup,container and place it in another bin. Week to 2 weeks I have tons of babies and I just continue the same cycle with more cups/tubs and place them in same grow out small bin.
Different size crickets do fine together and eat the same stuff.
I will say that the babies take forever to grow but in my case it is the tiny crickets which I need but the cup,tub removal method is the best for me as so easy and works great.
Here is pic of tiny crickets next to cup .They will jump off the cup and find food,etc on bottom of the bin.
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