Posted by:
at Mon Oct 10 15:21:58 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by RichardFHoyer ]
Laila: I received a message from Kingsnake indicating I had a private message from you. For some reason, the message wasn't sent to the regular email box I have accessed in the past when others have contacted me via that route. I tried every link possible but couldn't access your message.
As for next spring, I have a specific reason for going back to Tilden. But as I mentioned, you need to contact me sometime in mid April and not the reverse. My phone number is 541-752-6888 or you can use my email address.
Questions: During your searches, did you find any places with junk that you could turn? if not, then I suggest you find some secluded areas in boa habitat and put out a few pieces of tin or thin plywood. Be sure to make a map of you site so you can find it later on. There would be some chance that by next April, some boas may find your cover objects.
Secondly, did you find any other species of snakes while you were searching for the boa?
In my message in early Sept., I asked where is Teheya, Washington? I can't find it on my atlas of Washington and wish to know if that area may represent a new locality for the species in Washington. I would put that type of information in my folder on locality records for the state of Washington.
Finally, you have mentioned something about a Santa Rosa Reservoir. Has someone said they have seen boas there and if so, where is that reservoir in relation to the city of Santa Rosa, to the west or east of that city? If the reservoir is located east of Santa Rosa in the shallow mts. between that city and the Napa Valley, then if boas have been sited there, I believe that would represent a new locality record for the species in Calif. Even if the reservoir is located west of the city, that too would likely represent at least a different locality sighting of the species in Sonoma County.
Richard F. Hoyer
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