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at Mon Oct 3 15:28:09 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by madwhitehat ]
Ok, so I feel like a total douchebag. About two and a half weeks ago, my rhino burned himself on his heat lamp. I thought I had it well-secured but he found a way to climb up onto it, pulling it down about 6". He then went under it to bask and gave himself a pretty nasty burn on his left side. Luckily, my wife noticed the position of the lamp and alerted me to it in time to move it before he cooked himself to death. I moved him to a sterile location and proceeded to treat the burn.
He's doing well now. The wound is closed and healing up well. Sam is eating like a champ and spunky as ever. I was really worried there for the first few days though. It wouldn't have taken much more time under that heat lamp for him to have sustained critical internal damage. I want to encourage everyone to take a second and third look at your heating setups. Even if you've been doing this for a long time and you think you're good to go. Iguanas are naturally curious and they burn very easily. These two things make for a dangerous combination if you don't have your lamps VERY well secured. It kills me that Sam had to go through so much pain because of my mistake.
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Watch those heat lamps!!! - madwhitehat, Mon Oct 3 15:28:09 2011