Posted by:
at Thu Oct 6 19:45:51 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by sflaskamp ]
I recently did a trade with a guy by the name of Brian Lee McGuire, from Chesapeake Virginia. He contacted me in response to an ad i placed here on kingsnake for some atrox. He purchased a pair of the atrox and paid for those up front. I asked him if he was interesed in some viridis and he told me about his gravid blacktail and how he could not keep all of the babies. Long story short, we agreed on a trade for a 1.1 pair of viridis for how ever many babies his blacktail dropped. The last email i got from the guy said he was going to ship last sunday 10-2-2011. He has since changed his email, telephone number and who know what else. As far as i am concerned he is a thief, and his name will be remembered. I was informed by my local states attorney that since i had copies of all the emails between us that i can file criminal charges against him for fraud, so i did so today. ----- Shane Flaskamp
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