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at Fri Oct 7 21:39:49 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by spencereb ]
Hey Linda, Sorry for all the late responses. If you've kept boxies for any length of time, then perhaps you are familiar with cod liver oil drops for eyes. If you are absolutely headed out right now, and with no other options available, but have drops on hand, then I would drip a drop or two, put her into a warm and moist environment and hope for the best...short term. I don't think that just one inappropriate dose of vitamin would necessarily be that detrimental, given your choices, if indeed it were not consistent with the variables of treatments for symptoms described. How long will you be gone? Then, I would get her to a vet, ASAP, for a hands on evaluation. Not many options beyond that, unless you could leave her with a dependable surrogate to get her to a vet right away, like tomorrow. Hope all turns out well, eventually. Let us know what happens next. Best of luck and keep us updated... -Spence
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