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at Wed Nov 2 16:26:11 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by markg ]
For 10 gal tanks heat pads are probably easiest. If you get the same type for all tanks (same watt-density), then a single temperature controller can be used for all if you want.
I like Ultratherm heat pads (see The Bean Farm) alot. Not only are they functionally solid and well-priced but also come in various sizes for almost any setup. Any heat pad out there will work however. I have some Intelli-Temp from Big Apple. Great pads as well (those use 3-prong plugs FYI).
You must use temperature control. I think proportional is best for heat pads and other underbelly heating. Set it and forget it. Well, set it and check on it periodically is actually what you do.
Keep in mind that heat pads/tape will not help with air temps in open-screen-top cages. Sandboas are all belly anyway and heat up nicely that way. Still, you may need to keep air temps at least at or above 70 deg for best results with those snakes. A room space heater is probably best for that, or else cover most of the tops of each tank during cool times of the year so heat from the heat pad stays in there better.
I had a young sandboa escape. He spent the Winter somewhere in the house. Temps in the house varied over Winter but got into the low 50s inside alot. Found the boa in early Spring in the same room he escaped in, and he was just fine. Looked like nothing happened. I could be wrong but it even seemed like he was a tad larger than when I lost him. Tough snakes for sure. ----- Antaresia maculosa Antaresia childreni
Mark G
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