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RE: A beautiful Regret..

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Posted by: masonmonitors at Fri Nov 11 12:23:40 2011  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by masonmonitors ]  

You are rather over the edge. I believe the point of this forum is and should be NOT only to GIVE good information, but to allow people to throw their thoughts out there so that they can be PROVED wrong with legitimate information, not just your oh so famous "I've raised hundred of varanid species, and therefore I automatically am granted infinite knowledge over everything varanid related". Nobody doubts your experience, but everyone, and you've said it yourself ABOUT yourself, makes mistakes and is wrong from time to time. And there is nothing wrong with that as long as people aren't rushing in to making stupid and short-thoughted decisions. and YES, I KNOW that people constantly do that, I don't like it either. But if you're just giving people answers and telling them why they are so ridiculous and "naive" doesn't solve a damn thing. It just doesn't. Most of us are on here for the betterment of the monitor species, I know that is my goal. Honestly, when you say the things you do say, it is never failing for your comments to be very condescending and "matter-of-fact". You, for the betterment of the species, should discuss the matters, and explain - calmly and clearly - why they are wrong, and spend the time to lay down the science of it all. That is the only way we can hope to better and teach the society that is unfortunately, rather uneducated and apathetic. Many of these people who can't even take care of themselves like to take on exotic animals as "pets", and that simply doesn't work. Now,you commenting on the naivete of the person, is congruent to me commenting on the persons entire lifestyle and incapability to care for the monitor in the first place. When I see people posting on these forums about "how much do I feed a full grown nile?" or "how big does a nile monitor get?", yeah, that pisses me off, and they may deserve a little bit of a verbal "spanking". That is because they clearly did not put the time and energy in to even the basic research of the


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