Posted by:
at Sat Nov 12 11:08:59 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by megalon ]
Tell your friend to keep an eye out for herp shows, they're a great way to find new, you have the advantage of choosing what size, sex, color morph, etc, that you want; plus you have the advantage of having several different vendors at the same show. try to go towards the end of the show, when vendors are more likely to be willing to haggle. ----- 1.3 cb'09 crested geckos 0.0.1 cb'11 crested gecko 1.1 cb'09 gargoyle geckos 0.1 cb '11 gargoyle geckos 0.0.2 cb '11 gargoyle x crested hybrids 0.1 crazy ass dachshund (DayZ) 1.0 cb '03 homo sapien(Kaelan) "jesus is coming-when i count to 3,everyone jump out and yell SURPRISE!!"
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