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Next Level Racks

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Posted by: csmgibeau at Mon Nov 14 23:10:23 2011  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by csmgibeau ]  

If you are into breeding Ball Pythons and Boa Constrictors like I am, then you are most likely just like me. You will step for a really NICE animal, (Piebald Ball, or Albino Boa, etc etc) and cough up as much as 500 - 1500 dollars, but at the same time, we always look for a way to "skimp" on caging, because, let's face it, proper caging is CRAZY EXPENSIVE.

Anybody who knows the snake breeding world, knows that Freedom Breeder, ARS, even the less expensive (and I think more flimsy) Vision systems are outrageously expensive for what you are getting, especially for the hobbyist on a budget, and are even pretty pricey for the newer starting out hobbyist/breeder.

We all remember watching those videos from NERD, Ozzyboids, or Constrictors Unlmited, and thinking, "Wow! I want caging like THAT!!!" Then looking up the maker's website, and nearly crapping our pants.


A 12 tub system from Freedom Breeder, with Heat,(NO Thermostat) will cost you at LEAST 1,200.00 dollars, Minimum. MINIMUM.

Well, guess what? a friend of mine and I, (We are the the ultimate caging cheapskates - I am STILL guilty of a piece of wood lid with a rock on it as early as last year) decided we needed to get serious about our Ball Pythons, and that means every aspect, not just food and decent animals. Caging too. Enter Kristian Fossler. This guy, a garage, some tubing, a mig welder, and the same perfectionist attitude I have, results in something AWESOME.

Arizona now has it's very own rack builder and designer in NEXT LEVEL RACKS.

We have designed, and started production on our own rack system, just for snake rodent and gecko owner/breeders!! Best part of all, we can build anything that ARS or Freedom Breeder is building, using any tub - Baby tubs, all the way up to the massive old world python size tubs, for Retics and Burms.

Essentially, we have pulled a China and slavishly copied both ARS and Freedom Breeder, then tweaked the things that we found would be easier for the end user.

I posted this here, with the link to the Youtube videos, because I want the best feedback I can get, from the best reptile keepers around. You folks will be able to look at the videos, and ask the questions that will spark new ideas, not just treated as "customer" or "wish you were a customer" "Take it and adapt or screw off", which is the experience I have had with the big name cage designers. So please, check out the videos (azmetalman73 on Youtube) and tell me what you think.

John Gibeau
US Army (Retired)
Queen Creek, AZ

4.1 Whippets

1.3 Leopard Geckos
0.0.1 Desert Banded Gecko
0.0.5 Desert Hairy Scorpion

1.1 Python regius "Firefly"
0.8 Python regius het for pied
1.0 Python regius piebald
0.2 Python regius Mojave
1.0 Python regius Lesser
1.0 Python regius Black Pastel
1.1 Python regius albino genetic banded
1.2 Python regius double het pied albino
1.0 Python regius "spider"

more mice, rats, and African Soft Furred Rats than I can count!


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