Posted by:
Linda G
at Thu Jan 5 08:46:55 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Linda G ]
I think the temp is too high. Bring your basking spot down to 98 degrees and the rest of the enclosure will cool naturally. My basking spot is about this and the cool end is around 75. He stays in the middle when resting which is about 80. He moves to his basking light for a few minutes as needed.
I would at least try this. Also, try some warm soaks. Mine loves it. He splashes around and drinks when he is in his water. Make sure the water isn't deep though. Mine has his own little rubbermaid container that I place directly in his cage. He can get out but he never does. I take him out and remove it when the water cools.
Try this and give an update. Linda
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