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at Wed Jan 4 23:22:52 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by curaniel ]
Tonight I noticed a bit of swelling on the left side of little Clyde's mouth. I've heard tips about swabbing with non-flavored Listerine, but I've never handled him, and he's so small I'm almost afraid of hurting him if I force his mouth open. Any tips on the least-stressful way to approach this?
As a husbandry note, I went away for a week on vacation, and when I came back, the water dish with the feeder fish in it was really dirty - my pet sitter hadn't changed the water at all! So I wouldn't be too surprised if it's mouth rot. It's all clean now, and I'll do a scrub down on the whole tank tomorrow. ----- ~Cynthia
"And in the spring, I shed my skin and it blows away with the changing wind..."
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Swelling in Ribbon Snake's mouth - curaniel, Wed Jan 4 23:22:52 2012 *HOT TOPIC*