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RE: Second Clutch ponderings.

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Posted by: SlytherLyn at Sun Jan 15 21:59:10 2012  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by SlytherLyn ]  

"Or do I want to put her to Nautley and see if they make bizzare babies? She's thrown partial zigzags/aztecs in each clutch so far, no matter which male she's paired with."

I'm all for same sex marriages, but am thinking pairing her with another female may not yield any babies, unless they planned on adopting??

Sorry, couldn't resist

Assuming Nautley is actually a "He" and not a "She" then that would be my vote. Especially if he's het for anery or hypo or both.

As the other poster said, and I'm sure you already know, some of the babies would most likely be fathered by the male you are using for the 1st clutch due to retained sperm, but no harm in tossing in a different male between the two clutches for some variety in the 2nd clutch.

I did it this past year, tossed a small Plasme male in with my Moonstone female between her first and second clutches. I thought he was too small to breed, just wanted him to have a feel for what it was like in thoughts might help prepare him for the following year when I hoped to breed him. I only tossed him in twice, for only a few hours each time. Never saw a lock. But darned if I didn't get one little Lavender baby from the 2nd clutch. All the other babies were fathered by the male who I'd used for the first clutch, who had no Lavender in him at all, so the Lavender baby had to have come from my little Plasma dude.

I love that your neat patterned boy (assuming he really is a boy) passes on his neat pattern. I kept back a cool patterned female last year that popped out of an otherwise normally patterned clutch from normal patterned parents and am hoping she might pass that pattern along when she's big enough to breed. She's het Amel, Charcoal, Anery, Lavender.


Slytherin Serpents

Have you been hugged by your snake today?

Ball Pythons
1.1 Het Caramels (Edward & Bella)
0.1 Normal 66% ph Caramel (Rosalie)
1.1 Caramels (Crookshanks & Bellatrix)
1.0 Honey Bee (Aragog)
0.1 Hypo Pastel (Nagini)
0.1 Spider 66% ph Hypo(Nymphadora)
1.0 Mojave (Lucius)
1.1 Pastel Lessers (Jacob & Narcissa)
0.1 Pinstripe (Arwen)
1.0 Pewter (Salazar)
0.1 Bumble Bee (Alice)
1.0 Bell Pastel (Jasper)
0.1 African Dinker (Esme)
0.1 Het Pied
0.1 Hypo Cinny (Myrtle)
1.0 Cinny het Hypo poss het Albino
1.1 Pastel Dinkers (Snape & Xiomara)
0.2 Ghana Dinker Babies
0.0.3 CH Dinker Babies

1.1 Normals het Amel, Anery, Charcoal, Diffused, Hypo (Romeo & Juliet)
1.0 Blizzard het Diffused (Tumnus)
1.0 Blizzard poss het Anery, Hypo, Diffused (Cotton)
0.1 Anery Lavender het Amel (Lucy)
0.1 Plasma poss het Hypo (Victoria)
1.0 Plasma poss het Albino
1.0 Hypo Plasma
1.1 Amel Motleys (Harry & Ginny)
0.1 Lavender Motley poss het diffused
1.0 Lavender Pinstripe Motley het Amel
0.1 Fire poss het Anery, Charcoal, Hypo (LeeLoo)
0.1 Normal het Albino, Lavender, Anery, Charcoal, poss het Diffused
1.0 Albino het Lavender, Anery, Charcoal, poss het Diffused
1.1 Sunkissed poss het Plasma (Arthur & Molly)
0.1 Dilute Blue Motley (Myrtle)
1.0 Pastel Motley (Nick)
0.1 Diffused Caramel
1.0 Blizzard 66% poss het Diffused
1.0 Pewter het Albino
0.1 Fire het Charcoal

Thayeri Kings
0.1 Leonis phase (Sidney)
1.0 Milk Snake phase

1.1 Tangerine Albino Hondurans
0.1 Hypo Tangerine Albino Honduran


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>> Next Message:  RE: Second Clutch ponderings. - Shiari, Mon Jan 16 11:45:11 2012

<< Previous Message:  Second Clutch ponderings. - Shiari, Sun Jan 8 15:45:31 2012