Posted by:
at Thu Jan 26 16:02:25 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Hugh_Jass ]
Aaron Houts said: Okay, so I'm asking very sincerely: I have heard some anti-USARK sentiment but I can't come up with any good reason not to support them. I know that you feel very strongly about this. So far though, I've only heard one actual reason for any bad feelings about USARK and Andrew. If you feel that it would be bad to post this on a public forum, please feel free to PM me.
Then you haven't paid attention to what I posted today.
Wyatt has no background, education or experience to qualify him to represent the entire herp community. Plus his meat fisted tactics are detrimental. Isn't that enough to fire him? The bad behaviour is enough in my book. He makes the herp nation look like a bunch of hillbillys.
As far as PIJAC, sure, maybe support them AS WELL but not instead of.
OK, but if the herp nation had poured $500,000 into PIJAC the way they did USARK the results may very well be far different. At the very least opposition would not be pissed at herpers in general.
PIJAC brings to the table 40 years of history dealing directly with FWS. USARK about 40 weeks. Voyez la différence?
Yes, I am taking what I feel is the most effective action to help my Herp community and my business.
By fighting for burmese you are making a mistake. The feds will swat that off like the first mosquito of spring and march onto banning Boa constrictor and all without any pro-active measures taken by industry. Sad.
I am still convinced that USARK and the Federal Law suit are the way to go.
You are cute. Blind but cute. It is too personal for you to be objective. Please reread above.
I believe that we should begin voting out anyone that has supported the bill in any election in which we are permitted to vote and plan to do so.
LOL. Again you are cute.
USARK couldn't generate 25,000 letters how will you accomplish this task?
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