Posted by:
at Thu Jan 26 21:52:12 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Aaron ]
Yeah, that has me a bit puzzled too how I am supposed to have supported PIJAC on this issue and be opposed to USARK when I have heard nothing at all from PIJAC about this issue ever. I am not aware of anything that PIJAC has done for the reptile industry. That's not to say they haven't done anything, just that if they have, I've never heard about it.
Also, criticizing the other guy to make oneself look better has never been something I find very endearing. I've heard a few vehement posts against USARK that appear to be from PIJAC supporters. That doesn't make me want to support PIJAC, in fact it kinda has the opposite affect. What might make me support PIJAC would be if their members posted specific things that PIJAC was actually doing to help herpers, or better yet for official PIJAC representatives to post on here. -----
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