Posted by:
at Tue Feb 7 12:46:17 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by el_toro ]
Step one: 30 gallons is really small for a uro, even a baby. You should upgrade as soon as you can.
Step two: You generally have to have more than one light to get a good temperature gradient. Assuming it's a screen topped cage, you can also try covering any open areas with something like aluminum foil to hold in the heat. It's not just the basking spot you need to worry about. Try a higher wattage lamp in the basking area, and add another, smaller lamp next to it. The basking area should be around 125F surface temperature. The air temp in most of the cage should be around 100F. About a third of the cage should be no cooler than 85F. This is why a larger cage is generally necessary - it's very, very difficult to get a good temperature gradient in smaller cages. Also, make sure you are providing a QUALITY source of UVB light. That's a huge subject, so you'll have to do a little research. Don't take the pet store guy's advice, either.
Step three: Don't feed your uro crickets. Period. Offer greens and shredded vegetables only. Yes, some WILL eat bugs, but that doesn't mean they should. They're really more herbivorous animals and a diet high in bugs will only lead to health problems later. ----- Torey Eugene, Oregon, USA 1.2 Saharan Uros (Joe, Arthur, and Hitch) 3.0 Mali Uros (Spike, Turtle, and Tank) 1.1 Ornate Uros (Scuttlebutt and Shazzbot) 1.2 Collared Lizards (Ripcord, Thiamine, and Riboflavin) 1.0 Green Anoles (Sprocket) 1.1 Housecats (Roscolux and Jenny)
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