Posted by:
at Sun Feb 5 14:39:21 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by zonatahunt ]
All three of your snakes are displaying classic 'zonata disease' symptoms. It's unsure whether this ailment is brought on by a pathogen or environmental stressor. While a virus has not been found, it can't be ruled out as a causal factor just because it hasn't been identified yet. Furthermore, if it is an environmental effect then it's more than likely caused by hot and dry conditions. The first thing I'd do is immediately quarantine the snakes to ensure that no other snakes might contract anything if it is a virus at work here. Do you happen to keep any other zonata? If you do, and they aren't displaying the same symptoms, then that would suggest that it isn't your husbandry that is causing the problem, but in fact something that originated at the seller's residence. If in fact this is the case, that you do keep other zonata and they aren't sick, then I'd contact the seller and ask for your funds back. It isn't coincidence that all three have fallen sick at the same time with the same symptoms. If you purchased sick animals, possibly with a disease that has been known to wipe out entire colonies, then the seller has an obligation to return your funds to you. Personally, I'd euthanize these animals ASAP, because the causal factor for this problem has never been identified and the last thing you want to do is think they're okay and pass it on to other animals in the future. I know this hurts, but with such a problematic and troubling health issue it might be best to nip this in the bud as soon as possible and recoup your funds. Sorry to hear about your misfortune.
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