Posted by:
at Tue Feb 7 18:57:32 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by joecop ]
Tony, I see where you are coming from, but these are expensive animals and I dont think he has had them for long. I myself, would gladly replace them, or refund his money. I had a z die after having her for two months. I got her from Ric Blair and he had actually sent me the wrong female. Even after her death, he sent me another female, the one I was supposed to get, free of charge. I will never forget how he handled things and if he was still in business I would still be buying from him. I did in fact buy several other animals from him prior to his clearing everything out. Reputation goes a long way in this business and doing the right thing always pays off. I see replacing them or a refund the right thing to do.
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RE: Zonata Skin Problem - joecop, Tue Feb 7 18:57:32 2012