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RE: were those snakes that were shaking

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Posted by: jeph at Thu Feb 9 17:49:46 2012  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jeph ]  

I've seen it a few times too, and tried to fight the first couple ones and like Paul, have no prob sticking one in the freezer now. I had a parv that was in my collection for 8 years, in oct. I had a group of 2.1 given to me-(one was an anery. only reason I wanted the animals) my animals were just cooling, that group went right into the room. They were fine when looking at them. A couple weeks into cooling, I checked through them, the male had the very very bad skin. The anery was just doing loops over itself, very rigid,etc etc. The animal I already had for 8 years was in a tub just above the new group, looked at her, and the same exact rigid body, rolling over. I was bummed, I took that one, and the group of 3, frooze them all. Super bummed.

I hatched a clutch back in '05 or '06. There were 5 eggs. I kept 1.1, gifted the rest. One of my friends called me a couple months later saying the female he got had the probs, and frooze it, he sent me the male back, it was fine-(and went to another friend who had the 5th litter mate) the pair I kept still fine, and the others. that case is a poss. of conditions, or husbandry probs ???.

As for the animals in the field. I remember Paul telling me that, and the guy who collected the pair also told me about that and how it fuc#ed up other Z's he already had. I know another field herper who has seen it in the San Bernardinos also. It is a bad thing, and like Paul said, sometimes will take out your prized animal!


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<< Previous Message:  RE: were those snakes that were shaking - joecop, Wed Feb 8 14:00:16 2012