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at Sat Apr 14 08:54:39 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by HerpZillA ]
I'm replying to this, because when I was a kid I had about 15 monitors in a room, so I thought I would let you know some of my issues. I had mostly large stuff, up to a 7' 4' male water. These guys can set their mind to clawing in one spot for some time. I never had an issue, but I could see one going right through dry wall. I just so happen to have a project I would like to do in penning some lizards outdoors. Back in the 90s K mart use to sell swimming pools with a thick plastic wall. This stuff would be perfect for the walls. I plan on using metal pool walls for my pen. I see no reason, other than aesthetics for your application. The few Niles I have seen grow up, seem to slow down in growth once they get to 30"=36". I know there are big ones out there. But I'm not sure how many get real big.
I think the floor is far more difficult. Tile and a drain sounds great. I plan a room like this in my basement for my macaws. If they all will get along in one space. but I know my Bengal monitors did not like a slippery floor. but I do think they are a far more active species. Also, I am up in Ohio, and at 15 I did not understand all the heating issues. but I had serious trouble in the winter with cold corners. A large room will need real thought into heating, UVB etc. I guess my perfect setup would be a tiles floor with a drain. Also under the floor heating with several zones. Mainly so you can balance the heat in the room with various heating areas. Something like my pool wall idea, or elephant skin panels would be good. Also good IR lights for spot areas.
My largest monitor sat in the best spot in the room. on a 8" log 4' high under one of my lights. My 6' female would climb up there some times and they had a lovers spat over it lol. 3 waters, 4 savs/blackthroats, 2 Bengalis, 4 dums and 2 large tegus all in one room was a kick. but obviously not a good setup. Back in the early 70s information was not at hand like it is now. good luck ----- Thanks for reading. Tom HerpChat
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- nile's room design - acid_lizard, Sun Mar 4 05:57:00 2012 *HOT TOPIC*
- RE: nile's room design - HerpZillA, Sat Apr 14 08:54:39 2012