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at Thu Mar 8 15:06:18 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by dangles ]
Sect 935.02 - Effective Date: January 1, 2014 Sect 935.03 - Certain groups are excluded including zoos, vets, research facilities, approved shelters, etc… Sect 935.04 - Animals listed in Dangerous Wild Animal must be registered (each animal) and microchipped (this does not include Restricted Snakes) Sect 935.05 - To keep (but NOT breed/sell) animals from the Dangerous Wild Animal group, you must apply for an annual “wildlife shelter permit”. Annual fee for 3 or fewer animals = $500, 4-15 animals = $1000, 16 animals = $2000 Liability Insurance for 5 or fewer animals = $250k, 6-15 animals = $500k, 16 animals = $1million Sect 935.06 - Director of Agriculture issues permits and has 90 days to approve/deny your application Sect 935.07 - To keep and BREED animals from Dangerous Wild Animal list… Annual fee for fewer than 50 animals = $1k, 51 animals = $3k CANNOT sell, just breed for purposes of “species survival program” Sect 935.08 – To keep (but NOT breed/sell) animals listed on Restricted Snake list you must apply for an annual Restricted Species Possession Permit Only 1 permit required, regardless of number of snakes (although the permit will require you to list what you have) 2 yrs of experience OR pass written exam on care/safety for Venomous snakes Escape plan (submitted to county sheriff AND local law enforcement) Proof of vet/client relationship for each restricted snake (not clear if this is for every individual snake or just each type) Annual fee for fewer than 3 snakes = $100, 4-15 snakes = $300, 16 snakes = $500 Liability insurance for fewer than 5 snakes = $100k, 6-15 snakes = $250k, 16 snakes = $500k If you ONLY have boas, liability insurance is as follows: 5 or fewer animals = $5k, 6-15 animals = $10k, 16 animals = $15k Sect 935.09 - Director of Agriculture responsible for permits, will perform criminal records check for felony drug abuse or violent felonies OR convicted of animal abuse OR the failure to report the escape of a non-native and/or dang
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