Posted by:
at Thu Mar 8 15:05:59 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by dangles ]
This is a section by section summary of the bill. I weeded out all the legal talk and simplified it as much as I could. Read it a few times before you respond with questions because all the answers are pretty plainly written in here...
Sect. 935.01 – What’s Included "Dangerous wild animal" means any of the following, including hybrids unless otherwise specified: (1) Hyenas; (2) Gray wolves, excluding hybrids; (3) Lions; (4) Tigers; (5) Jaguars; (6) Leopards, including clouded leopards, Sunda clouded leopards, and snow leopards; (7) All of the following, including hybrids with domestic cats: (a) Cheetahs; (b) Lynxes, including Canadian lynxes, Eurasian lynxes, and Iberian lynxes; (c) Cougars, also known as pumas or mountain lions; (d) Caracals; (e) Servals. (8) Bears; (9) Elephants; (10) Rhinoceroses; (11) Hippopotamuses; (12) Cape buffaloes; (13) African wild dogs; (14) Komodo dragons; (15) Alligators; (16) Crocodiles; (17) Caimans, excluding dwarf caimans; (18) Gharials; (19) Nonhuman primates other than the nonhuman primates specified in division (C)(20) of this section; (20) All of the following nonhuman primates: (a) Golden lion, black-faced lion, golden-rumped lion, cotton-top, emperor, saddlebacked, black-mantled, and Geoffroy's tamarins; (b) Pygmy, white-tufted-ear, silvery, and black-pencilled marmosets; (c) Squirrel monkeys, including Central American squirrel monkeys; (d) Southern and northern night monkeys; (e) Dusky titi and masked titi monkeys; (f) Muriquis; (g) Goeldi's monkeys; (h) Brown, white-faced, weeping, and white-fronted capuchins; (i) White-faced, black-bearded, white-nose bearded, and monk sakis; (j) Bald and black uakaris; (k) Black-handed, white-bellied, brown-headed, and black spider monkeys; (l) Common woolly monkeys; (m) Red, black, and mantled howler monkeys. (21) Any other animals designated by the director of agriculture in rules. (D) "Federal animal welfare act" has the same meaning as in section 959.131 of the Revised Code. (E) "Felony drug abuse offense" has the same meaning as in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code. (F) "Health district" means a city or general health district created by or under the authority of Chapter 3709. of the Revised Code. (G) "Humane society" means an organization that is organized under section 1717.05 of the Revised Code. (H) "Law enforcement officer" means a sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, police officer of a township or joint police district, marshal, deputy marshal, municipal police officer, or state highway patrol trooper. (I) "Natural resources law enforcement officers" means peace officers as specified in division (A)(6) of section 109.71 of the Revised Code and employees of the division of wildlife specified in sections 1531.13 and 1531.14 of the Revised Code. (J) "Offense of violence" has the same meaning as in section 2901.01 of the Revised Code. (K) "Restricted snake" means any of the following: (1) All of the following constricting snakes: (a) Green anacondas; (b) Yellow anacondas; (c) Reticulated pythons; (d) Indian pythons; (e) Burmese pythons; (f) North African rock pythons; (g) South African rock pythons; (h) Amethystine pythons; (i) Boa constrictors. (2) Species of the following families: (a) Atractaspididae; (b) Elapidae; (c) Viperidae. (3) Boomslang snakes; (4) Twig snakes; (5) Any other snakes designated by the director in rules.
The list is basically setup up in 3 groups: Dangerous Wild Animals, Restricted Constricting Snakes, and Restricted Venomous Snakes elony.
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Summary of Ohio Exotic Animal Ban Part1 - dangles, Thu Mar 8 15:05:59 2012
- Part 2 - dangles, Thu Mar 8 15:06:18 2012
- Part 3 - dangles, Thu Mar 8 15:08:17 2012
- Part 4 - dangles, Thu Mar 8 15:09:11 2012
- Part 5 - dangles, Thu Mar 8 15:09:46 2012