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at Thu May 3 17:01:33 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by RioBravoReptiles ]
>>Could you keep them outside with plenty of deep hides in case it gets too warm in the summer and then bring them into heated and lighted cages in your garage in the winter? I don't hibernate my Chucks, but maybe someone who does can chime in here. There is nothing more miserable looking than a cold Chuckwalla. BTW, that's a cute furry reptile you got there! LOL
. I 'hibernate' some chucks.. they stay out year round and suffer no ill-effects from body temps as low as 40 degrees (F). I stop feeding them when the weather closes in. That may mean mid December to Valentine's day! But I won't allow them to get wet and cold.. and will cover their habitats when conditions warrant. .
----- Gus A. Rentfro
"Perfectly healthy animals are a minimum requirement.. everything else is just salesmanship" gus
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