Posted by:
at Mon Apr 2 10:53:10 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by easternlvrs12 ]
Male box turtle 10 yrs old, displaying hyperactivity.
Climbing the walls to try and get out of his outdoor enclosure which is a really good set up.
He has been out of hibernation for about 3 weeks, and has displayed this activity the last 2 spring/summer/falls etc...
Really stumped as to what the problem coud be, has adequate shade cover, sunlight, heaviliy planted etc...
Have any of you ever gone through this? What could this be all about?
In closing, any suggestions on good commercially available box turtle foods other than reptomin, as he seems to be disinterested in that although will eat it. In addition to commercial food he gets veggies, worms, crickets etc...

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