Posted by:
at Sat Apr 14 20:16:25 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Mmathis ]
Terryo, Thanks for your encouraging reply! I haven't given up hope yet. There is one place in the habitat that I've only given a superficial search, and it sounds like the place to look. I didn't think of it before because I though the area was too shallow. As a result, a couple of months ago, while doing some work inside the enclosure, I tossed a heap of nice soil & leaves there, so if she was burried, she's even deeper now and very well might still be cold. I dredged up as much of the ground cover as I could tonight (too dark to see anything). That should let that spot warm up. It is an area, under shrubs, that doesn't get much sunlight. We'll see what happens!
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