Posted by:
at Tue May 8 17:14:00 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DMong ]
Cool!,......just try to keep in mind that the odds of it being a co-dom colubrid morph and not a recessive trait is extremely slim. But anything is always possible until it is known to be otherwise..
It's more likely that you will have to raise hopeful heterozygous normals up and see what happens when they mature and are bred back to the original morph and each other. There are very few colubrid morphs known to the hobby that are truly co-dom, but there are certainly a few exceptions. Boas and Ball Pythons are a very different story though.
Definitely an interesting snake and future project!
~Doug ----- "a snake in the grass is a GOOD thing"
* "This hooby has the worst types of people I ever met" * "What is it about the snakes that attracts these idiots?" * "Everyone thinks they are a know it all"....~Rainer (Bluerosy)
 "some are just born to troll and roll"
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