Posted by:
at Sun May 13 20:37:53 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by AnnaCB ]
Hi there. This is crossposted from the health forum.
I had a few animals come in as rescues a few weeks ago, mostly amphibians. Most seem quite sprightly, but I've got a large adult dart frog who has grey patches on his skin. I know they shed, yes, but this seems a little too localized (top of the head, along those strong lines of the back, etc.), not the overall slight dullness... he's also not showing any other signs of being about to slough, like the yawning or anything similar.
He's eating and has been active, but this is kind of worrisome. My experience with dart frogs has been mainly with healthy ones, so this is new to me.
All of the frogs/toads are separated and he's being switched to just moist paper towel substrate in a Sterilite until this is figured out.
IS he going to shed and I'm just over-cautious? Is this a fungus? Any suggestions or ideas? I've attached a few pictures. I'm also going to crosspost to the dart/mantella board, but it seems pretty dead there.
If you're finding it hard to see the spots, you can go to the actual picture link and zoom in.
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