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RE: Longevity in Morphed Iguanas

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Posted by: typherp at Tue Jun 12 22:58:06 2012  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by typherp ] just because you think she is really smart...and I believe you...are you going to follow her blindly and take whatever she writes and say as fact? Instead of asking me if I have seen 7 foot iguana in captivity (I have not), you should be asking her if she has any facts to back up her assertion. As far as I know, Tom has the most experience with morph iguanas (more than anyone combined...probably) but I would not follow everything he tells me without thinking about it....and he wouldn't want me to as he already have enough "fans." I rather my TRUE friends tell me the truth, even if they disagree....that is a true friend...not just telling me what I want to hear. We learn by reading and talking to people, but the real learning comes from experience and typically from mistakes as well. From my experience with keeping and breeding reptiles, I am going to say that, with proper care, they do better in captivity rather than in the wild. OK...I understand the part about they get more room in the wild but how much room do they really need???? In captivity, we take away many negative things that they encounter in the wild, such as predator (and stress from them), certain disease (I don't think they get vet care in the wild), seasonal food shortages, incremental weather...etc.

Morph iguanas will NEVER be wild animals as they will most likely never survive in the wild. Morph iguanas, such as albino iguanas, are truly "created" as pet...just like dogs and cats we keep as pets. Those people who think they are better than us because they think these animals are wild and should be kept wild need to get off their high horses and face the reality that we are doing them good by keeping the line alive.


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>> Next Message:  RE: Longevity in Morphed Iguanas - Paradon, Wed Jun 13 18:47:19 2012

<< Previous Message:  RE: Longevity in Morphed Iguanas - TOM_CRUTCHFIELD, Tue Jun 12 07:05:25 2012