Posted by:
at Sat Jul 14 04:11:38 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by shadowguy ]
You don't mention whether or not you're feeding live or killed food, and if the latter, fresh or frozen thawed. The fact he's eating at all, even if seemingly sparingly is promising. Try fresh killed if you've been putting in a live mouse.. the snake may be intimidated at the outset. It sounds like you have sufficient temperature gradients for it to avail itself to. Don't handle it before introduction of food, and sparingly for a few days afterward; You don't want to induce regurgitation! If a farm store is available try to obtain a baby chick or quail chick. Birds are sometimes the food of choice for tropical pythons. Using a hemostat or similer to take a quick peek in the mouth to look for irregular colors indicating infection might be a good idea but hold off unless it starts refusing altogether. I'm presuming it's not due to shed at any moment... That said I have animals that take food with eyes "blue" as the letterhead type at the top of this page! Good luck...
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