Posted by:
at Fri Jul 13 21:06:28 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Rosebuds ]
Are the clay pellets large enough that she can't ingest them?
Your set up is good as far as conditions go, though I wonder if the ambient temps in the enclosure are a bit too low overall. Basking temps are good, but how much of that enclosure stays around the low end of the temp gradient? The way you have that basking complex on one side seems like it would provide a nice hot spot, but only in that part of the tank. 71 is a bit too low, even for the cool side and I wonder if there is too much cool in much of your enclosure. The rest of the enclosure also seems a bit dim for a chuck. Can you add more light to the opposite side from the basking platform? If she isn't right up on that platform, then it might just be too dim for her and too cool to stoke her appetite. But that could also be the camera.
I use tanks that size for smaller lizards here as well, and I will make a basking spot with a temperature range on it, but I also brighten the other side of the tank with something. If I need to bring the ambient temps up, then I use a lower wattage incandescent or indoor halogen. If the ambient temps are good (more in the range of 85 or so)then I use coil (NON uvb)energy savers to brighten without much of a temperature increase.
I would try to bring your ambient temps up just a bit or at least make sure that most of the tank is in the 80s, and try to make it brighter.
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