Posted by:
at Mon Jul 30 12:58:11 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Ameron ]
It's time once again for - Guess That Age!
Knowing that Rat snakes generally hatch at 10-14 inches in length, and have a predictable growth rate, I am trying to guess the age of my recent re-homed male.
He is 28-30 inches long. My 2011 Amur/Russian yearling is slightly less long and wide. Does this suggest that my Red Rat is a 2010 hatchling, or was just better fed?
All experienced, serious replies welcomed.
1.0 Elaphe schrencki 1.0 Elaphe guttata
(I'm waiting for Unger et all to provide supportive scientific data that New World rat snakes belong to a separate Pantherophis taxonomy category. Like many others in the scientific community, I'm still waiting.)
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Red Rat Age Estimation: 28-30 inches - Ameron, Mon Jul 30 12:58:11 2012