Posted by:
at Thu Aug 2 22:20:15 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DMong ]
"Now, if I can just track it down. I hope the albino bred and kept the genes in the hobby"
You just hit the nail square on the head with a huge 16lb. sledge hammer..LOL!
If some hybridizer got it, it is probably long gone now and the genetics is in every known obsoletus complex morph under the sun by now. People can never leave any morph well enough alone. They always have to mix it into every multi-mutt morph combination they can get their hands on..LOL!!
Sad actually.........that's how things disappear forever all the time. It will be the very same way once I produce some "Moonshine" (t-plus?)locality-specific intergrade "greenish" rats hopefully next year. Once they are out there for a very short while, I'm sure some people will mix them into every Black Rat, Yellow Rat, Texas morph known to man-kind too...
Maybe a very dedicated herpetoculturist DID get it from Don though and kept it a genuinely authentic locale. .....I hope anyway.
Good luck with the investigation and locating the bloodline. I'm glad you are doing that...
BTW, cool that you know Allen too. Please tell him hi for me next time you guys talk.
cheers, ~Doug ----- "a snake in the grass is a GOOD thing"
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