Posted by:
at Thu Aug 2 16:48:08 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DMong ]
....that also many amels and leucistics in the hobby mainstream are obviously going to be of mixed Black rat lineage in the hobby anyway since they are very closely related. So it's hard to say for certain. Northern and eastern Texas rats blend and intergrade naturally into the Black rats huge range.
The pink-eyed leucy's no doubt came from amel Black lineage because you cannot tell the real difference meristic-wise between the two white snakes, and definitely not if the two were mixed.
Many of the leucistic Blacks are said to have a more Ivory/beige color to them, but I know for a fact there are countless mixes out there too. Heck, I had a VERY deep ruby eyed leucistic years ago that I bought as a Texas, and an ivory/beige one I bought as a Texas as well. Damned if I know what either of them ever "really" were..LOL! But that is how most are ou there anyway....complete unknowns as whatever someone wants to label them as and whatever someone might have told them as they got them.
To know all this for certain you would have to acquire them from some people that know the origins of locale. There are a few, but not too many. Probably more so for the leucy Blacks.
~Doug ----- "a snake in the grass is a GOOD thing"
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I forgot to mention though - DMong, Thu Aug 2 16:48:08 2012