Posted by:
at Fri Aug 24 15:55:44 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by dav46 ]
Seeing that he is small and if temps are good, meaning he has a hot spot of 100 he should be able to metabolize his food fine. I fed mine daily when young. he ws about 11 inches or so and started with pinkies and crickets, soon stopped with the crickets and it's been mostly rodents and chicks since. I would offer daily feedings when young and if your doing things right he will go through the food. It's when they get older you have to judge better, mine would still eat daily but tends to put on the weight so now it's every other day or 2 days. Good luck with yours, it's one heck of a commitment with these big guys and not for everyone they are alot of work.
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