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at Thu Sep 20 21:40:11 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by chris_mcmartin ]
...can explain to the politicians they're being played by animal-rights activists (I'm looking at PeTA/HSUS, obviously). Laws like this are the proverbial "foot in the door" or the "camel's nose under the tent." The animal rights activists' agendas need to be exposed for what they are--an attempt to eliminate the ability for average citizens to obtain, maintain, and enjoy the animals they love.
Most municipal and/or state legislation proposals seem to read EXACTLY THE SAME, so I assume a common source.
Concern #1: "Pulling a fast one" in a few hapless municipalities establishes precedent ("hey, two towns over they adopted these 'common-sense' laws; you should too" .
Concern #2: These laws always start as "common-sense" laws (though they're completely arbitrary): "we're just talking about venomous, or constrictors over 6 feet long," and so on. However, it seems many of those laws get passed with language such that Entity X (Fish and Game, or some other non-elected body) has the authority to add additional species as they see fit.
The problem with some hobbyists is that they simply don't care: "well, they're not coming after the species I like to keep, so it's not of my concern." They'll be after yours next, and the process could be surprisingly quick and easy to make you a criminal overnight (see above). That's why it's important to write to your legislators, speak at hearings, etc. ----- Chris McMartin
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