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at Sun Sep 30 09:46:08 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by EricWI ]
The Issue: The Anaheim, California City Council has proposed an ordinance, adding a new chapter to the Anaheim Municipal Code, prohibiting the possession and sale of certain exotic animals. This ordinance does provide a specific list of these animals. The proposal was formally introduced at the September 25th meeting of the City Council and could be on the agenda for a public hearing at the Council’s next meeting on October 9th. The Impact: The proposed ordinance defines a “wild and exotic animal” as “a non-domestic animal” and includes the orders and families of animals described in the act. Of special note to pet owners are venomous snakes and snakes over 8 feet in length. The Board plans to ban any Anaheim resident from possessing or displaying these animals. The proposal exempts the following persons or entities from the ban: Reptile Shows held at the Anaheim Convention Center A veterinarian (for the purposes of providing medical treatment to exotic animals); or A public zoo or aquarium accredited by the AZA; Anyone found in violation of this ordinance is subject to imprisonment of not more than six months and fines up to $1,000. PIJAC Position: PIJAC supports reasonable regulation of animals that may pose a threat to public health or safety, but does not believe absolute bans are sound public policy. However, PIJAC opposes this legislation because it will stop pet owners from enjoying their pets that pose no meaningful risk to the public. PET INDUSTRY JOINT ADVISORY COUNCIL (PIJAC) 1146 19th Street, NW, Ste 350, Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 452-1525 / (800) 553-PETS, Sept. 26, 2012 (CA – Anaheim Exotic Animal Ordinance) It may be appropriate in rare cases to restrict ownership of certain species not generally kept as pets to persons with the specific knowledge and facilities to properly maintain them. Furthermore, such bans drive business underground, thereby depriving the government of effective regulation, and eliminate the safe and responsible ownership of animals by those with the knowledge and resources necessary for such ownership. Recommended Action: Call or write the Anaheim City Council and tell them to vote “NO” on the pet ban ordinance. Anaheim City Council Tom Tait – Mayor Harry S. Sidhu, P.E. – Mayor Pro Tempore Lorri Galloway – Council Member Gail E. Eastman – Council Member Kris Murray – Council Member All City Council Members may be reached by calling (714) 765-5247 or by email at: Correspondence to City Council Members should be addressed to: Anaheim City Hall 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. – 7th Floor Anaheim, CA 92805 If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact PIJAC’s Bambi Nicole Osborne at 202-452-1525, ext. 105 or via email at
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