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RE: Part 2

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Posted by: mikefedzen at Sat Nov 10 02:47:37 2012  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mikefedzen ]  

Snakes do like to soak in their water bowl sometimes, and they'll also just drink from it, crap in it, and knock substrate into it. So I'd provide a water bowl that is big enough for the snake to fit in, not knock over, as well as easy to clean/disposable. Water will need to be changed every 2-3 days, as well whenever the snake uses it as a toilet.

4. I need frozen pinkies to feed one every other day? I've been told once every two weeks and I've been told once a day...

Baby corns can and will eat every day if you want them to. They also grow fast. 1-2 pinkies per meal with one meal a week for a baby snake will work. After 6 months or so you'll need to upgrade the size of mouse.

5. I need heat. Not a heat rock, it'll burn it. A heat pad (I don't really know what this is) or a heat lamp?

Petco sells heat pads that will stick to the underside of the tank. Heat rocks are no good, heat lamps will work but aren't the best idea for corn snakes. A heat pad on one side of the enclosure, with the water bowl on the opposite side, and something to hide in/under on both sides. Snakes need a hot and a cold side.

6. Been told I need a night time light. Been told I don't need a night time light? Which is it? ugh.

Snakes love the dark.

7. Need to poop scoop daily. Change 'litter' weekly.

If the enclosure is larger I'd say a once a week spot clean will work. Just take out the waste. A substrate change every couple months or so would be fine.


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