Posted by:
at Mon Nov 26 21:08:30 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Kiba ]
I have a male ball python that I've had for a couple years. He is almost 3 years old, give or take and this is the third winter that I've had with him since I got him. He's always been a constant eater, eating from once a week and as he grew it, it became once every two weeks - never missed a meal.
But now he hasn't eaten for 60 days and I'm unsure when I should give in and take him to the vet to see if tehre is something stuck or otherwise? I've tried numerous sizes, sexes, colors of rats since I know that Balls are picky eaters - he will eat only live. I've even got a small rat and kept it in a small container with mouse shavings so it smelled like a mouse. He still wouldn't eat it. He is now starting to become thin and unsure whatelse to do. I've tried everything I use to do when I've fed him and he just doesn't seem interested. Cleaned his tank, keep the humidity up and fixed his heat lamp so its perfect in there. Not sure what else it could be. If anyone has any other information it'd be helpful. Thank you.
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Snake Isn't Eating, Questions? - Kiba, Mon Nov 26 21:08:30 2012