Posted by:
at Wed Dec 19 23:48:13 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ratsnakehaven ]
>>>>>>These guys started hatching right on time, around 90 days of incubation. They are Pajarito Mountains Northern Green Rat Snakes... >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>----- >>>>>>-Toby Brock >>>>>>Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research >>>> >>>> >>>>Hey, Toby. How are these hatchlings doing? Did any start feeding yet? >>>> >>>>Terry >>>>----- >>>>Conserving reptiles by helping to protect habitat... >>>> >>>> >> >>Terry, none of these new babies have shed yet (unless they shed last night) and have not fed yet. They are pretty chubby little things, so no worries - lots of time to work with them on it. All of the babies of the previous 2012 intermedia clutches started feeding fairly easily, except for a tiny runt which has been stubborn... >>----- >>-Toby Brock >>Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research
Yep, these guys can go quite awhile just on their yoke. Hope they do well for you.
TC  ----- Conserving reptiles by helping to protect habitat...
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