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at Sun Dec 30 22:23:51 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by AcartiaStarfyre ]
I hate that there is no such thing as a free puppy, or in this case, anole.
I got two little anoles from the local school district in October and two or three hundred dollars later, I think I finally have a viv in working order.
I have colonies of mealworms, crickets, and curly-winged fruit flies.
And one of my anoles up and died over Christmas. It was the little one that I got the fruit flies for. He wasn't able to eat the big mealworms and so I was catching him and feeding him in a separate container. My pet sitter, a wonderful and responsible person who works at a pet store was doing the same... except that apparently my little dude was feeling better and made a dash for freedom.
I found him in the middle of the floor when I got back home; dead. His poor little tail was missing, which almost certainly means he had a run-in with one of the five cats that share the house. Suck.
I still have my big female, but she's got some sort of wound or fungus on her face... I have no idea what to do and my husband won't let me take her to the vet. I almost used Lamisil on her, but it said not to use near the mouth.
I completely re-did the viv today; I used a design the guy at the aquarium store told me about. Maybe I will post a pic, if I have the heart.
Right now,I am more depressed by my failure to help these little guys, exacerbated by the seemingly bazillions of people who "kept their anole in a plain aquarium without lights or anything and it lived for five years." Sigh.
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- Free Puppy (Anole) diaries... - AcartiaStarfyre, Sun Dec 30 22:23:51 2012