Posted by:
at Sun Jan 27 12:55:52 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by joefritz ]
Hi everyone. I am new here, feel free to correct me if I am doing something wrong. Posted this in the general forum first, but there seem to be few regular participants there. I am living in a small village in southern Wisconsin, ( about 1.100 population) and I own six snakes as pets, from a still young Brazilian Rainbow Boa to a 9 foot, 45 lb Boa constrictor. In the past I have always been open about my pets, carrying them around in my back yard and talking to many friends, in the local bar and at parties, about them. But a short time ago I was notified by the police department that one of my neighbors brought to the attention of the village board that I own snakes and there is a village ordinance that does not allow for the possession of venomous or constrictor snakes. Today I went to the city hall and asked them to change the ordinance. My understanding of the process is that a village meeting will be called where everyone can voice its opinion and based on the feedback the village will either change the ordinance or decline to change it. I am looking for anything that might help me argue my case, and also what topics to avoid as they might backfire in an unexpected way. For example statistics about injuries from snakes vs. injuries from dog bites. Would this be a good argument or do I instantly have all dog owners against me? Surely someone in the community must have had similar issues in the past and can point me to helpful information anywhere on the internet.
Thanks, Joe
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Help! small town anti snake ordinance - joefritz, Sun Jan 27 12:55:52 2013