Posted by:
at Fri Feb 1 15:09:51 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by murrindindi ]
Hi again, I`m not sure how big a 40gallon fish tank is, but I`ll guess around 90cm (3feet) long, and maybe 45cm (18inches) high? It will definitely only last a couple of months or so, they grow very quickly when properly supported. I think the easiest way to modify it is to place some thin plywood (even cardboard) around the outside on the back and sides, just taped around the top and bottom edges. That will offer both privacy and help insulate. You MUST cover the top with something solid, again plywood, sealed with several coats of WATER based polyurethane varnish (oil based takes much longer to cure), alternatively, use plexiglass, and make sure they are very firmly fixed in place. Best to have the heat/light on the inside of the lid. I think if you put two 40 to 50w halogen (flood) bulbs and raise/lower them or the basking object `til you get the desired surface temp @ between approx 50 to 60c (120 to 140f) you won`t need any extra heating during the day. The only other temp you need to know is the coolest ambient (air) at approx 24c (75f). If the room/tank are exposed to relatively low temps during the night, below approx 21c (72f) you can use a ceramic heat emitter or infrared bulb (you can also leave the heating and lighting on 24/7 so long as there are cooler, darker places to hide). The more hiding places there are the better, also make sure there`s lots of cover throughout, especislly around the basking and feeding sites. Keep asking questions!
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