Posted by:
at Fri Feb 15 13:46:39 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by dekaybrown ]
I was just like you once.
This animal needs to get used to being in captivity.
When frightened, it is common for them to close their eyes, it's trying to pretend you are not there.
It's a wild animal, until recently, the first human contact it has had was an animal trapper placing it into a bag, then an aeroplane ride or two, and now suddenly it's at your house.
as hard as it may be, please just leave it in it's cage for a while, weeks if you have to.
Let it approach feeding on tongs, allow it to gradually understand that you mean it no harm.
Believe me, once you have established a trust, it's far more gratifying, These lizards are intelligent, you will see that in time.
Good luck. ----- Regards, Wayne A. Harvey Thamnophis US Savannah Monitors Snakes and Lizards, It don't get any better....
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