Posted by:
at Tue Feb 19 11:17:06 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
As a biological unit, the minimum requirement is the physical ability to reproduce. Period.
In the case of monitors, anything less then the normal ability to reproduce, cannot be considered healthy. Period, If you kept your dog in conditions that would be LESS then the physical ability to reproduce, or your cat, or horse, you would be arrested for negleck.
But because reptiles can EXSIST below that level, YOU or many others think its right. Sir, I challange you to prove that keeping any animal below its physical ability to reproduce is RIGHT. You and others argue that because you LACK the ability to support the health necessary to reproduce. To reproduce is normal to the animals, to not reproduce is NOT NORMAL.
In biology, supporting conditions are judged by the level of recruitment. Healthy individuals or populations are judged by LEVEL of recruitment. That is FACT.
Reptile pet keepers, may indeed judge healthy by the animal having a heartbeat. But that is wrong. Those are the folks that need some education. Period.
Whether you choose to hatch eggs or not is up to the keeper, but to support keeping animals BELOW the ability to naturally and normally reproduce is WRONG.
And what I write here and particularly how much or how often is very silly of you, as your posts are right by mine, so indeed I could ask you the same questions. Best wishes
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