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at Sun Mar 3 16:25:49 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by gerryg ]
After 3 months he has yet to feed of his own accord. I assist him every 3-4 days with a couple of mouse thighs. He takes them fairly readily once I get them started but at times even getting them started is problematic.
It's been suggested I place him in a paper bag overnight with live pinkies. There is no local place that sells live pinkies and I just found out today my local pet shop doesn't even carry male mice so "raising" up my own pinkies is not an option. Hopefully this week I'll get the time to check some other pet shops somewhat near to where I work.
Not sure what his problem is... he's alert and active when I take him out... since getting him in November he shed on December 12th, again on January 11th and then again on February 3rd... odd things are despite taking him out on a regular basis I never notice him "in blue", just a shed skin one day and I've yet to find any waste/fecal matter in his bedding. No signs of his having regurged anything from previous feedings either.
Still he's a handsome boy and I'm a long way on giving up on him.
His growth rate is not phenomenal as you can see... the first picture was taken today and the second is when I first got him.
![]( Snakes/DSCF7433a_zps24f8674d.jpg)
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My problem Hondo Samson - gerryg, Sun Mar 3 16:25:49 2013