Posted by:
at Wed Mar 6 14:31:09 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by vogelcommando ]
A few days ado I saw for the first time a pair of Adanson's mud turtles ( Pelusios adansonii ) at a local Reptilehouse. Also a house-bred young was on show. Now I want to ask if anybody can provide some more information about this rarely kept and bred species. I know it's kept in Europe at Iguana Reptilehouse Vlissingen ( the Netherlands, where I saw them ) and at Lisabon Zoo ( Portugal ). Further it seems to have bred at the Colombus Zoo ( USA ) in the late 1980-ties ) but further I wasn't able to find anything more. Can anybody tell me more about husbandry of this species ( size of enclosure, air- and watertemperature, food, breeding ( clutchsize, incubationtemperature and incubationtime ) and so on. Also I would be intrested to know if anybody can provide me with a identification-key for the Pelusios- mud turtles. Anybody with experience with this species who can help ????
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