Posted by:
at Fri Mar 29 20:59:29 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Phrog ]
I need some advice ASAP! I was doing some field work with turtles this afternoon in several fish hatchery ponds. At one of the ponds, mostly dried up, there was a bunch of dead carp around the edges. More worrisome was there were a couple dozen dead/dying stinkpots (of all ages). Other turtles in the pond (what looked like red-eared sliders from a distance) seemed to be doing ok. There are also plenty of healthy turtles (including stinkpots) in the ponds adjacent and this is the only pond with dead fish and sickly turtles. I brought in 5 of the smaller and worse off turtle and the rest I moved to the adjacent pond (more water, and we captured healthy stinkpots in early that day). Of the 5, one has since died. The other four are still hanging on. So far, I have them in shallow clean water from home (shallow because most are too weak to even keep their heads up) with some antibiotics dissolved in. Hopefully I can get them to make it through the night. I need advice on what I should do for the ones I brought in (what can I get them to eat and any advice on remedies). And does anyone know of anything that could have happened to the water (the guy in charge of the hatchery claims no chemicals were used to wipe out the old-stock fish)? I just don't know what could have caused such an acute die-off (most turtles were still clinging to life, only about 4 had died recently it looked like). If you have any advice at all it would be appreciated.
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Stink Pot Mass Killing--Please Respond! - Phrog, Fri Mar 29 20:59:29 2013