Posted by:
at Mon May 13 10:37:57 2013 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by revolutionmellon ]
LOL Robert I'm Crackin up.
A few reasons-
1.) Petra's cage would shock and horrify all of you. I have her in a 48 inch dog crate- and I take her outside on the deck/lawn/car as much as possible. Its bizzare, Shes fine in it- So much so, she lays her eggs in her food dish every year. Weirdo.
2.) I love how you talk to him- because I see I'm not (too) crazy.
3.) I spend countless hours scratching Petra- Shes always itchy, she may not like being "pet" all the time..but I can always break out the scratching and lizard is happy
4.) Love the end comments of the video...chickens, waiters..etc...its like hobby overload- much like our house lol. I'll have to post a follow up video of my setup- which is redic.
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